Home Remedies For Back Pain And Joint Pains

It has been observed that when the skeletal system is burdened with heavier body weight than it can hold, it results in pack pain. Today in this blog you will come to know 1. natural and home remedies for back pain, 2. Home remedies for joint pains. 3. Symptoms for back pain. General reasons for back pain are obesity and poor posture.

There are several DIY remedies for pain in the joints. Regular physical activity helps preserve joint flexibility and minimizes stiffness. Low-impact activities like walking and swimming can be especially beneficial. Joint pain can be managed with the use of a balanced diet full of foods high in anti-inflammatory components, including fruits and fatty fish. Maintaining a healthy weight, using hot or cold packs, and participating in stress-reduction mindfulness practices all help minimize joint discomfort.

1. Home Remedies For Back Pain 

Home Remedies For Back Pain And Joint Pains
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

1. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and a pinch of salt taken before lunch and dinner helps in relief. This should be consumed at least for a month.

2. In case of lower back pain, grate 2 raw potatoes, apply them on a painful area and tie a piece of cloth around it. This is also very useful in back pain.

3. A good massage of the body, followed by a bath with hot water helps in improving blood circulation and helps in pain relief.

4, Overweight people, need to lose weight, practice daily light exercise, and try always to maintain good posture.

5. Boil fenugreek seeds 5 grams with 5 dates in normal water, cool it, and drink it later, eat the boiled fenugreek seeds and dates. It also helps in lower back pain.

6. Turmeric milk: Turmeric contains antioxidants, anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties. So taking a daily glass of hot milk mixed with turmeric also helps in back pain. Honey can also be added to it for better results. It's good to take milk before bedtime which allows the milk mixture to work its inflammatory properties properly.

2. Natural Remedies For Joint Pains

Home Remedies For Back Pain And Joint Pains

1. Daily eating 6-7 raw walnuts is known to be very beneficial in joint pains. They must be chewed well for better results in pain.

2. If you apply a heat pack on affected areas, it also may help you with joint pains. It can provide instant relief of pains in joints.

3. Better if you avoid, meat, fat-rich food, eggs, sour food, flour, aerated drinks, flour, and bakery items if you have joint pains. It is suggested to eat plenty of fresh fruits, and raw and boiled vegetables.

4. A glass of fresh bitter gourd juice mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey taken every day empty stomach in the morning for 3 months may also help in joint pains.

5. If you take a few cloves of garlic fried in butter daily that may also help you in pain.

6. Take seeds of papaya, boil them in water add milk in it, half of the teaspoon sugar, and drink this six times a day for 2-3 weeks. It may also help with joint pains.

7. Take a daily glass of raw carrot juice for more results.

8. Eating 1 banana daily in joint pain is also very helpful.

9. Ajwain ( Powdered carom seeds ) mixed with warm water is also known to be the best tonic for the stomach and kidneys. It helps in removing toxins from the body.

10. Take about twenty-five - thirty grams of potato peels, wash them properly, clean them boil them properly in 500 ml water till the quantity is reduced to half. Divide it into 3 doses and drink. Potatoes skin is rich in vital mineral salts. It is very good for rheumatism.

11. Lemons are very beneficial in joint pains. You may drink the juice of 1-2 lemons each mixed with warm water and a pinch of rock salt. This mixture may also give good results.

Home Remedies For Back Pain And Joint Pains

3. Symptoms Of Back Pain

1. Back pain normally increases when you sleep at night.

2. You may feel stiffness in your spine.

3. You may also feel joint pains during back pain.

4. Skin rashes may also be felt.

5. A tough time taking deep breaths of air.

6. Tiredness

7. Lack of energy.

4. Back Pain Joint Pain Causes

There are many causes why people have pain in their joints, but arthritis is the primary one. Osteoarthritis is an illness of the joints that causes pain and stiffness due to the gradual deterioration of cartilage. An autoimmune illness called rheumatoid arthritis contributes to pain by inflaming the joints. Infections, overuse, and injuries are just some more reasons.

Pain in the joints can cause pain, edema, stiffness, and a decrease in range of motion. The pain may impact everyday activities and overall quality of life, ranging in severity from small to severe. As individuals age, joint pain frequently becomes worse, thereby early treatment is crucial for effectively managing symptoms.

Even if taking prescription drugs sometimes supports, visiting a doctor is necessary for a thorough evaluation and individualized treatment plan to deal with the real root cause of pain in the joints.


Above mentioned points are natural or home remedies. These remedies are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical issues. If you have any serious medical issues, it is always suggested to consult your, doctor. 

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Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels


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