Home Remedies Natural Remedies For Gum Ache And Toothache

The main reason for toothache is tooth decay, which results from poor oral hygiene and a faulty diet. Bacterias in the mouth break sugar down into acids. That combines with the calcium in the enamel to cause erosion or decay. 


1. Tooth Ache/ Gum Ache Causes  2. Tooth Ache/ Gum Ache Home Remedies 3. How To Stop Tooth Pain Fast

The remedies shared here are simply for swelling in teeth, toothache, or gum infections, and help in symptoms to reduce the pain and discomfort. But kindly consult your doctor if swelling, pain, and discomfort persist. 

Normally toothache stems from dental problems and the main reason for the pain is actually from inflammation of the pulp of teeth, which is actually the center portion of teeth.

This part of the teeth contains nerve endings, which is why there is great sensitivity to pain. 

Home Remedies Natural Remedies For Gum Ache And Toothache

1. Tooth Ache/ Gum Ache Causes

Many oral health issues can result in discomfort in the teeth and gum pain, and identifying the root cause is necessary for receiving the right solutions. Typical reasons include:

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is the primary root cause of pain in the teeth. It is caused by oral bacteria producing acids that break down tooth enamel and create cavities.

Gum Disease: Gum pains can be brought on by more serious periodontal diseases including gingivitis. A key contributor is bacterial infection-induced gum inflammation.

Dental Abscess: An infection caused by bacteria may result in the formation of an abscess, a pus-filled pocket causing excruciating pain. Abscesses may occur in the area between teeth and gums.

Tooth Fracture: discomfort and pain can result from a cracked or fractured tooth that exposes the sensitive inner layers.

Wisdom teeth that have been impacted or that fail to emerge normally may cause swelling, pain, and discomfort.

Teeth grinding (bruxism): When teeth grind each other down or clenched, particularly at night, it may cause discomfort in the gums and teeth.

Sinus Infections: Pain in the upper teeth can occasionally be associated with sinus infections or other conditions.

Orthodontic issues: Temporary discomfort with gums and teeth may be occasionally brought on by braces or other orthodontic devices.

Keep in mind that a dentist needs to be consulted for any serious or ongoing gum or tooth discomfort. Tooth and gum pain can be successfully avoided as well as treated with regular brushing and flossing, routine dental examinations, and timely good care for any dental concerns.

Home Remedies Natural Remedies For Gum Ache And Toothache

2. Home Remedies For Gum Ache And Toothache:

1. Get a pinch of rock salt and crush a clove of garlic, mix it. Place this mixture on a clean piece of surgical cotton, roll the cotton, and keep it on the affected teeth. It helps to relieve swelling and pain and may help with the problem completely. Actually, garlic contains a compound known as allicin which has very powerful antibiotic properties and that kills harmful bacteria.

2. Chewing wheatgrass is also a very good preventive measure for toothache. Chewing it daily keeps the gums and teeth in good health.

3. Take some lemon juice, mix asafoetida in it, clip a small cotton piece, and place it on the painful area. It may help for quick relief.

4. Take two cloves, powder them, toss the powder in a cotton ball, and place it on the painful area or teeth. You may also soak a piece of cotton ball in clove oil and keep it on the painful area. It may provide immediate relief from pain. Eugenol is a powerful antiseptic as well as an anesthetic. It controls the infection and provides relief from pain. 

5. Take some clove oil and a pinch of pepper powder, and make a mixture of it. Put the mixture on the cavity to alleviate the toothache. 

6. A mixture of turmeric powder, pepper powder, and common salt is also an excellent dentifrice. Its daily use may help with foul breath, dental cavities, bleeding of gums, toothache, and painful gums. I

7. Onions are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, and sodium.  Chewing raw onion for 2-4 minutes, daily keeps the gums and teeth in good health and kills all the germs. 

3. How To Stop Tooth Pain Fast

Addressing the root cause of pain in the teeth is essential to halting it promptly. The methods that follow can be used for quick relief of tooth pain:

Rinse with Warm Saltwater: Mix half a teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Use this saltwater solution to rinse your mouth for approximately thirty seconds. Saltwater has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 

Floss Gently: Gently floss between your teeth to get rid of any food particles that can have become lodged there. Irritation from particles lodged in between teeth can sometimes be the cause of dental pain.

Over-the-counter Pain Relievers: Use over-the-counter analgesics such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen under the prescribed dose. If you have any concerns, contact your doctor and adhere to the instructions given on the label.

Cold Compress: For fifteen minutes, apply a pack of ice or cool compress covered in a thin piece of cloth to the injured region. This could reduce swelling and numb the pain.

Topical Anesthetic Gel: To temporarily numb the area, apply an oral gel or ointment containing benzocaine that is available over the counter. To ensure safe use, adhere to the product's instructions.

Elevate Your Head: To lessen blood flow to your head and relieve pressure on the afflicted tooth, prop yourself up with cushions as you sleep.

Avoid Trigger Foods: Steer clear of acidic, cold, hot, sugary, or sweet food and beverages since these might aggravate tooth sensitivity.

Clove Oil or Cloves: Place a cotton ball soaked in a tiny bit of clove oil on the afflicted area. Because whole cloves naturally dull pain, chewing on one may also offer some short relief.

Recall that they are only temporary remedies for pain relief. For a more long-term solution, it is imperative that you make an appointment with a dentist to find and address the root cause of your tooth pain. Ignoring oral hygiene issues can cause problems and suffering to get worse.

So, friends, these are some very useful, home remedies, natural remedies for gum ache and toothache. I hope you liked the article and it will help you a lot. If you really like it, kindly don't forget to share it with your friends and relatives. I shall be very grateful to you. 

If you have any questions, do ask me in the comment box, I shall try to reply as soon as possible. Do leave your feedback in the comment box. Thank you and regards. 

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Disclaimer: The natural and home remedies shared in our blog are safe. All remedies shared and suggested here are done in good faith and have been taken from different sources like internet sites and some books, to help all those who are interested and inclined towards natural cure. However, you are requested to use it at your own discretion and confirm your allergies to any foodstuff, fruits, spices, or vegetables. We do not guarantee any cure and do not take any responsibility for any kind of allergic reaction that you may develop while trying out the mentioned remedies. If you are on any kind of medication or any serious health issue, you are requested to consult your doctor about possible drug interactions, if any with respect mentioned remedies. 

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
