Blocked Nose Causes Symptoms And Home Remedies

Blocked Nose Causes Symptoms And Home Remedies. A blocked nose, often caused by nasal congestion, can result from infections, allergies, or irritants. Increased mucus production and swelling of nasal tissues contribute to the feeling of obstruction. Common culprits include flu, colds, and sinus infections. Remedies such as nasal decongestants and steam inhalation can provide relief from a blocked nose. In this article, we shall cover common reasons for a blocked nose, blocked nose symptoms, and blocked nose home remedies for it.

If there is excessive fluid accumulation and mucous in the lungs, one suffers from a cough, difficulty in breathing, and pain in the chest area.

This is a common problem. But if this condition lasts longer, it could be an indication of some serious health problems like asthma, so it should never be neglected. 

1. Blocked Nose Causes:

1. Diseased conditions like tuberculosis, and asthma.

2. Bronchitis- which may be viral or bacterial, which causes inflammation in the bronchial tube lining. 

3. Pneumonia- This causes inflammation in the lungs.

2. Symptoms Of Blocked Nose: 

Nasal congestion, often referred to as a stuffy or blocked nose, may be a result of several things. These are common causes of a stuffy nose:

Allergies: Nasal congestion may be caused by allergic reactions to pollen, dust, mold, pet dander, or particular foods. This response is frequently a part of the body's system for protecting itself against imagined dangers.

Viral Infections: Nasal congestion frequently occurs due to influenza (flu) and the common cold. Inflammation in the nasal passages due to viruses may result in congestion and difficulty breathing.

Sinus Infections: A clogged nose may occur from inflammation and swelling brought on by infections in the sinuses. Infections resulting from fungi, bacteria, or viruses may lead to conditions like sinusitis.

Environmental Irritants: Congestion may be exacerbated by exposure to irritants that cause inflammation and irritation in the nasal passages, like cigarette smoke, smog, strong scents, or chemicals.

Nasal Polyps: Nasal polyps, which are noncancerous growths on the lining of the nasal passages, can impede the channel causing the nose to seem obstructed.

Deviated Septum: Nasal congestion may occur from a deviated septum, a medical condition in which the wall between the nasal septum or nostrils, is crooked or off-center, obstructing normal airflow.

Rhinitis Medicamentosa: When nasal decongestant sprays are used excessively, there can be a rebound effect that makes congestion worse when the medication is stopped.

Dry Air: Low humidity may lead nasal passages to become dry and congested, particularly during the winter when interior heating systems are in use.

Pregnancy: Some women have nasal congestion when they are pregnant because of hormonal changes.

Certain Medications: Nasal congestion can be a side effect of certain drugs, like certain medications for high blood pressure and oral contraceptives.

To decide on the best course of action, it's essential to know the root reason for nasal congestion. Certain reasons for alleviation can be achieved using over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines, nasal saline sprays, and humidifiers. On the other hand, to rule out underlying issues and receive the proper therapy, nasal congestion that is severe or continues to exist should be assessed by a medical professional.

3. Home Remedies For Blocked Nose

Blocked Nose Causes Symptoms And Home Remedies

1. Take some warm water to add a spoonful of common salt. Add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Gargle with this mixture. It is known to be a great remedy for this. You may gargle for 4-5 times a day with it. 

2. Add a few tulsi ( basil ) leaves or a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel to trap the steam. Inhale the steam as long as possible you can. This helps to clear the chest and provide relief.

3. Prepare some jeera kashaya and drink it at least 2-3 times a day. 

4. Keep drinking hot water throughout the day. Avoid cold water. 

Addressing a blocked nose involves various effective and accessible. Nasal decongestant sprays, such as those having oxymetazoline in them, provide rapid and quick relief by narrowing blood vessels in the nasal passages, reducing congestion in the nose. However, these sprays should be used sparingly and for a short period to avoid rebound congestion and dependency. Saline nasal sprays can provide a gentler alternative, aiding in the removal of irritants and moistening nasal passages. Steam inhalation, either through a humidifier or a bowl of hot water, helps soothe swollen nasal tissues and can promote natural drainage.

Maintaining hydration is essential, as it can help thin mucus, making it easier to expel. Drinking warm fluids like broth or herbal teas may also provide relief. 

Over-the-counter antihistamines may be useful for nasal congestion caused by allergies, helping to alleviate symptoms by blocking the action of histamines.

In addition to these mentioned remedies, elevating the head while you sleep, can reduce nasal congestion. 

Using a saline nasal irrigation system, like a neti pot, can help flush out allergens and mucus. However, it is important to use boiled or distilled water to prevent infections and irritation. If symptoms of a blocked nose persist or worsen, seeking advice from a doctor, is advisable to identify the main cause and determine the most appropriate solution.


Disclaimer: The natural and home remedies and information shared in our blog are safe. All remedies shared and suggested here are done in good faith and have been taken from different sources like internet sites and some books, to help all those who are interested and inclined towards natural cure. However, you are requested to use it at your own discretion and confirm your allergies to any foodstuff, fruits, spices, or vegetables. We do not guarantee any cure and do not take any responsibility for any kind of allergic reaction that you may develop while trying out the mentioned remedies. If you are on any kind of medication or any serious health issue, you are requested to consult your doctor about possible drug interactions, if any with respect mentioned remedies. 

This post is aimed at providing information about nutrition, nutrition supplements, and their benefits to the human body. Do not attempt to treat or diagnose any disease or health problem based on the information given in this post. The reader must consult an appropriate medical professional, the doctor about any disease. No action or liability can be taken against the writer, or publisher, based on the information/ content of this post/ article/ blog.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
