Aloe Vera Frequently Asked Questions

Succulent and renowned for its numerous wellness and skincare benefits aloe vera is a plant having thick, meaty leaves. Its gel is widely recognized for its soothing qualities, providing relief from irritations to the skin and burns from the sun Aloe vera, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promotes hydration and helps in wound healing. Aloe vera is famous in the cosmetic and health industries since it is found in a variety of wellness products, such as drinks and dietary supplements, in addition to skincare items. Aloe vera is a renowned substance for holistic wellness because of its adaptability and natural healing qualities.


How is Aloe Vera to be stored? 

What are the initial effects of drinking Aloe Vera?  

When to consume Aloe vera and what is the right dosage?  

Can Aloe vera be taken in the night instead?  

When Aloe vera has so many nutrients, why are additional supplements suggested? 

Why Aloe vera consumption is recommended for healthy and normal people?

For how long Aloe vera be consumed?

Will continued intake of Aloe vera result in addiction to it?

What is the effect of Aloe Vera on other drugs that are being taken?

With many brands of Aloe vera available in the market, which brand is good and should be used?

If Aloe Vera is really that effective, why is not everyone talking about it?

Frequently asked questions about Aloe Vera

How is Aloe Vera to be stored?

Aloe vera should be stored in a dark and cool place, like in a fridge, after the bottle is opened. If you don't have a fridge, you can put it in a bag with some weights and lower it to a pot containing some cool water.

What are the initial effects of drinking Aloe Vera?

First of all, cleaning of the small intestines takes place, which is the storehouse of toxins, in the body. Aloe vera may give mild laxative effects when first consumed. It tries to eliminate the toxins through stool.

It improves digestion and the assimilation of nutrition is noticed from food. It helps in increasing energy levels in just 3-4 weeks or earlier. Motions become soft and regular, and appetite improves.

When to consume Aloe vera and what is the right dosage?

It is best to consume Aloe vera empty stomach early in the morning. The minimum dosage for adults is 60 ml and for children, it is 30 ml. No solid food or liquids like coffee, tea, milk, or water should be taken for  15 minutes, after drinking aloe vera. In some situations, dosage may vary.

Can Aloe vera be taken in the night instead?

Yes, it may be taken in the night just before going to bed, with a gap of at least one hour after dinner.

When Aloe vera has so many nutrients, why are additional supplements suggested?

It does contain many nutrients but some of the nutrients are in very small quantities. It is cheaper, easier, and more effective to take additional supplements, that specifically have required nutrition high dosages. Aloe vera will help in improved assimilation and faster absorption of nutrients. 

Why Aloe vera consumption is recommended for healthy and normal people?

It is very good food in a glass. It is a big powerhouse of required nutrients. It can detox the body. Detox is required by all. Aloe vera rejuvenates the cells and makes them healthy.

A vehicle is sent to servicing regularly to help it run smoothly. Aloe vera does this job for our body. Our body parts are priceless, unique, and deserve good care.

For how long Aloe vera be consumed?

A minimum intake of 3-4 bottles of Aloe vera is suggested for a healthy and normal person. It helps to improve energy levels, healthy person, general health, improvement in fitness and moods will be experienced. The body's immune system needs extra nutrition to overpower it, in case of any disease. The duration may vary depending on the age, ailment, and health of the person.

Will continued intake of Aloe vera result in addiction to it?

Aloe vera is not addictive. It is not a synthetic drug but basically nutritious food. The question of immune reaction to it or side effects does not arise at all.

What is the effect of Aloe Vera on other drugs that are being taken?

Aloe vera enhances absorption, and assimilation, and cleans the intestines. Absorption of drugs also increases, which may result in overdosage. It is suggested to consult your doctor, if any such symptoms are noticed, reduce the dosage of the drugs as instructed by the doctor. 

With many brands of Aloe vera available in the market, which brand is good and should be used?

In our country, we have many manufacturers of Aloe vera. The trust and reputation of a product are built over time, especially when health is at stake. Consistent results for good health come only from a consistently good product. The drinking Aloe vera gel needs to be of such good quality that it must be virtually equivalent to the gel obtained from a freshly cut leaf of the Aloe Vera plant.  Choose a brand that has been certified to have such properties.

If Aloe is really that effective, why is not everyone talking about it?

The quality of the Aloe vera available in the market varies a lot. The public due to a lack of knowledge about the quality or non-availability of good quality Aloe vera,  price consideration, takes whatever is available. When there is no expected result seen, the reputation of Aloe vera takes a beating. In addition in our country, people rely on recommendations from their doctors, largely. Doctors in general, do not have proper knowledge about Aloe Vera and nutrition supplements, so discourage patients from using Aloe vera.

People too add to the problem, as they expect and demand miracles from this 'miracle plant' expecting instant results. Often nutritional therapy is contemplated as a last resort, after being fed up with other medical treatments. People are also required to be told about the functioning of nutritional supplements and therapy, the time taken to notice any positive results and changes, and guided through the initial stages, till they start feeling the difference for themselves.

Disclaimer: The natural and home remedies and information shared in our blog are safe. All remedies shared and suggested here are done so in good faith and have been taken from different sources like internet sites and some books, to help all those who are interested and inclined towards natural cures. However, you are requested to use it at your own discretion and confirm your allergies to any foodstuff, fruits, spices, or vegetables. We do not guarantee any cure and do not take any responsibility for any kind of allergic reaction that you may develop while trying out the mentioned remedies. If you are on any kind of medication or any serious health issue, you are requested to consult your doctor about possible drug interactions, if any with respect mentioned remedies. 

This post is aimed at providing information about nutrition, nutrition supplements, and their benefits to the human body. Do not attempt to treat or diagnose any disease or health problem based on the information given in this post. The reader must consult an appropriate medical professional, the doctor about any disease. No action or liability can be taken against the writer, or publisher, based on the information/ content of this post/ article/ blog.

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